Sunday March 09, 2025
09 , Ramadan , 1446
Leading The Way
Saudi Arabia
Discover Saudi
Dr. Khaled M. Batarfi
21 - 30 From 268 result
Graduation time: What’s next?
What’s next? Many will volunteer to help them. Our young people will get a lot of recommendations from family, friends and teachers, and end up with many great ideas that make a lot of sense. The problem is they are ...
Why do we hate?
So, what do we do to short-circuit this vicious circle? How do we cease such madness? We should begin where it all started: Home, school, places of worship and the media. We should undo what has been done at the ...
Exam time: We need to talk!
Will that work? I hope it does, but there is no guarantee of full success. The problem is deeper and wider than we may think. Students are reared since early schooling to strive for marks, not education; schools and society ...
Algeria and Sudan: Arab Spring? Again?
Not necessarily! Similar beginnings do not guarantee similar ends. Case in point is the last military coup in Sudan. General Abdulrahman Swar Al-Dahab revolted against President Jaafar Nimeiri in 1985. Within a year, he handed over power to a democratically ...
Erdogan’s third chance!
“Usually, conspiracy ringleaders are not given a second chance. Yet, Erdogan was exempted. Turkey is a great Muslim country that we hate to lose it. I hope that after the failure of Obama’s anarchist project, Erdogan will realize his mistakes, ...
The Arab Summit: How to cure our ills?
US support for its traditional allies in the region has reinstated its century-old doctrine. The steadfast alliance with the Arab Alliance in Yemen, the war on Daesh in Syria and Iraq, as well as, the cooperation with Arab and Muslim ...
Media and crisis: The New Zealand model!
I felt that we missed more than we achieved. Not for lack of trying, but because the variables were so many and so elastic and confusing. “There is no professional title called journalist, today,” I told my audience. “We are ...
New Zealand shooting: Hate crimes and free speech
What we need, today, is a code of ethics to guide coverage of religious conflicts. Our goal is to inform the public about current events, not to provide a platform for preaching hate.
Retirement day: Are you ready!
He said: “One day I was criticizing my wife and daughters for replacing the Persian rug in the living room. They looked astonished, but not totally surprised, and politely reminded me that it was me who replaced it, years ago. ...
Yemen: Light at the end of the tunnel!
Competition over spoils of war, critical decisions and the highest government posts puts such alliance to the test. Some militia leaders fled with their fighters to the liberated regions and joined the government forces. They brought with them valuable data ...
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